Lately i've been thinking about things made me wonder. I then feel like writing I think writing is a way to share whats on my mind. Or what I want to write about. Sighs I need my drivers licence before school starts and etc, my butt be lazy to study. My mom's memorial iis coming up its her 5th year. I can't believe times flies by so fast. R.I.P Chieu Ha Do July 12,2005. We are and was a happy family, till the year 2004 my mother and dad decide to re-open a small grocery store. My older sister, brother and I come help when we have time to. The year 2005 who knows something happen 1:00pm my mother and dad was gething ready to have lunch, a man walk in my mother walked out seeing him with a gun, she looked back at my dad yelling to him "he have a gun" shes tries to run back where my dad was but she didn't make it. The man then pull the gun and shot her right in the heart. No one ever understand why that man took my mom's life away, he didn't ask for money or anything. Life been tough for myself and my family since she was gone. I miss you mom<3.
im sorry about ur loss. i also lost my mom, but it was from cancer 3 years ago and sometimes i think i am still in denial. sometimes im afraid to think of her because im afraid of feeling the pain. i know how hard it is to lose someone, but what can we do right? i just try to take it one day at a time.